There are a lot of things to do during this campaign, but first and always, we must pray. We also believe another great strength of Harvest is that our people have always been committed to ministering personally to others. Many have been touched by God as our people ventured out of their comfort zones, stepping across the room, across town, and even across the world, to extend a hand of welcome and loving service. We are asking God to renew our commitment to personal ministry in the days ahead, one person at a time.
Our financial goal is to raise $2.3 million dollars over the next three years to fund the updates that make the campaign vision possible. Not everyone will give the same amount, but we are asking everyone at Harvest to join us in making a sacrificial commitment to help us reach our goal. We know that some will give at one time, and others will give over the next few years. We are looking for equal sacrifice, not equal gifts.
In every way, this campaign will require us to come together, to invest and build in individually and collectively. In the capacity God has gifted and called you, we are grateful for your sacrifice and participation.
We’re inviting you to three commitments as part of the One Campaign:
- Renew your commitment to God and to our church. We serve an awesome God who is worthy of our best–our whole hearts and our willing obedience.
- Commit to your “one.” Invest in at least one other person who is not walking with Jesus to build a real friendship in which they can see glimpses of God through you.
- Commit to give financially in the capacity God has gifted and called you. We know that some will give at one time, and others will give over the next few years. We are looking for equal sacrifice, not equal gifts.
On May 5, we will come together to pledge our support in the ways God has called us each individually as one.
As a way to help us reflect and stay united throughout this launch, we created seven weekly devotionals designed for you to use individually or as a household. We then encourage you to gather with your community group to discuss them and encourage one another. If you are not part of a community group, we will host discussion groups for you to participate in immediately after each service.
We also ask that you pray for Harvest and the One Campaign. Our remarkable level of unity has been one of God’s greatest blessings to us, and He is calling us to guard and strengthen it as the world around us becomes more divided. God still has great things ahead for our church, and we will be most useful to His purposes when we join hands and stand together as one.