Access Materials for This Sunday’s Service
Our limited in-person service option begins at 1:30 PM on Sundays. With Illinois currently under Phase 4 restrictions, we have moved our indoor service into the garage bay of our Ministry Center. This allows us to keep the 20-foot garage door open for greater circulation of fresh air.
What safety measures are being taken?
- Attendees will check in and undergo a health and temperature screening at the door. If you are not feeling well please remain home.
- Masks will be required at all times during the service. Complimentary surgical masks will be provided at the door. A limited supply of face shields will be available upon request.
- We will seat by household units spaced adequately apart from one another.
- We will keep the garage door open throughout the service to keep fresh air circulating.
- Touchless hand sanitizer stations will be available.
- No food or drink will be permitted or served on the premises. Please refrain from physical contact with other guests (e.g. handshakes, hugging).
How Should I Prepare for Service?
- We encourage parents to have their children participate in our online Kids Church (via Zoom) on Sunday at 9:15 AM before coming to the live service.
- Please plan to use the complimentary surgical masks that are provided at the door. Our medical advisory team has deemed these to be more reliable than many cloth masks.
Contact Tracing
If you or anyone in your household develops symptoms after attending the service, please schedule a test right away and contact us. We will guard your privacy but alert attendees to the possibility of exposure and update them once your test results are confirmed. Adhering to this contact tracing protocol will help mitigate the spread of infection.