Church Blog

You can use WordPress’s blog feature for church news, articles and so on. Feel free to call this section your church blog or rename it to something else like “News”.

COVID-19 Updates

WORSHIP SERVICE VIDEOS In the past we posted links to our worship service videos here but they are now being posted to our Sermon Archive page. Please visit that page to watch all our past worship services. LIMITED IN-PERSON GARAGE SERVICE With Illinois back in Phase 4, we have moved our in-person service option to…

Seeds Period of rest

Seeds will be taking a period of rest starting next Sunday, June 18th till Sunday, July 30th. This means that there will be no Seeds worship services or classes during this period. We want to give an opportunity for the Seeds Team to find rest in God as many have expressed a need for rest.…

Administer Justice Roles

Hi everyone! We are looking for volunteers as we are heading towards finalizing the plans to start an Administer Justice Ministry at Harvest! We were originally aiming to start this month, but have decided to start sometime early next year! There are no rules for how many you can volunteer for (you can do one…

Sunday Bulletin

ANNOUNCEMENTS FALL FEST ON SATURDAY 10/30 This year’s Fall Fest will look different than our past Harvest Fests as we are still in a pandemic. It will be outdoors (weather permitting) in the MC parking lot or in the warehouse on Saturday, October 30 from 1-3 pm. All attendees/volunteers will be required to wear a…

Church Center App Videos

We have created a series of videos to help people get familiar with the Harvest Church Center app and show what you can do with it! If you need information on how to log into the Church Center App, you can find the information here. Church Center Intro Church Center App Tutorial Something to Give…

Service at Now Arena

Praise God for providing us a place to worship Him at 10am as a full church again!The Now Arena allows us to worship our Lord Jesus Christ without limiting capacity because there is plenty of space to social distance with very high ceilings for proper ventilation. We still ask that everyone registers for contact tracing and attendance purposes.  CLICK HERE FOR THE…

Live Indoor Service Information

Access Materials for This Sunday’s Service Our limited in-person service option begins at 1:30 PM on Sundays. With Illinois currently under Phase 4 restrictions, we have moved our indoor service into the garage bay of our Ministry Center. This allows us to keep the 20-foot garage door open for greater circulation of fresh air. What…

Outdoor Service Information

It’s hard to believe it has been over 15 months since we last worshipped together as a whole church in person. While many are not ready or able to rejoin in person services, we want to offer an outdoor service for those who are. Please be assured that our online services will continue uninterrupted. This…

Worship With Us Online

January 17, 2020 – Pastor Dave Lee January 10, 2020 – Pastor Frank Piszczor January 3, 2020 – Pastor Dave Lee December 27, 2020 – Pastor Dave Lee December 20, 2020 – Pastor Dave Lee December 13, 2020 – Pastor Dave Lee December 6, 2020 – Pastor Dave Lee November 29, 2020 – Pastor Dave…